Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Our Designer - Yvette Piaggio

Here's the introduction from Mara (our producer): Hi Paula and Chan....meet designer extraordinaire Yvette Piaggio. You may have seen her on past episodes, and I am thrilled that she is available to work on your house. The next step is for y-all to get together off-camera. Be sure to tell Yvette about all of your ideas, dislikes, etc. With-in a week to 10 days, she will have a design, and we can talk about what the next steps would be. Ideally this should all happen by the end of the month at the latest.....in other words, you should all meet, and have a design no late than like the 31st. Cool? Also...we can schedule a time to film the “1st meeting” even though you will have all gotten together ahead of time. Are you all available on Thursday or Friday Aug 2nd or 3rd for this? Say at 11 or so. It should take about 1.5-2 hours. This is gonna be fun...oh did I tell you I was going to be your producer? M Curb Appeal Producer Yvette: Piaggio's Loft 309-A Cameron Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Tel: (703) 299-9366 Fax: (703) 299-9367 http://www.piaggiosloft.com/ <http://www.piaggiosloft.com/> Paula and Chan Warren: 703-299-2060

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